Sunki Anti-Bacterial Spray

Sunki Anti-Bacterial Spray

Sunki Anti-Bacterial Spray

Brand: SUNKI 生肌
Origin Taiwan
Price HK$198

Key points:

  • Sterilization and disinfection rapidly
  • Safe for skin
  • No harmful substances
  • Approved as a food additive license in Japan
  • Unique technology increases efficiency and stability
  • Effectively deodorant


Weakly acidic hypochlorous acid water has the characteristic of destroying cell membranes and can be used for disinfection and sterilization. When it comes into contact with bacteria and viruses, it destroys their cells and then reduces to water and low-concentration chloramine. In addition to effective sterilization, it can also eliminate various odors. Families with young and old people and pets can use it with peace of mind. "Weakly acidic hypochlorous acid water" is considered a functional water in Japan. It is produced by a special electrolytic tank using food-grade hydrochloric acid. The concentration is between 10ppm and 100ppm. The Kitasato University Institute of Life Sciences (Japan's largest bacterial research institution) has confirmed through research that weakly acidic electrolyzed hypochlorous acid water above 10ppm has excellent bactericidal effects on various powerful pathogenic bacteria. Within the effective chlorine concentration range, the bactericidal effect is 80 times that of bleach.

Hypochlorous Acid Water